Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Data Analytics gathers, manipulate and manages data to accelerate the speed of business. We help you understand your operational environment through data visualisation that’s simple, efficient and effective


Data cleaning entails filtering through your information thoroughly and separating what is important from what is not. Cleaning your data is imperative if you want a clutter free view of your business


Organising data is a lot like organising items on a shelf in a grocery store. The Data needs to be structured, sorted, and categorised for easy retrieval and usage


Numbers are only numbers until you learn how to make sense of them. Data analysis is the practice of inspecting and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information like correlations and trends to gain deeper insights that support decision-making

Our Customised Dashboard Solutions

Among our dashboard solutions we include:

  • Product Sales | Project Management | Financial Summary
  • Pack House | Farm Harvest Summary | Insurance
  • Procurement | Cash Manager | Executive Insights
Acumate Solution Our Customised

One Dashboard, One Cloud, Any Device, Any Time

Acumate Solution One Dashboard
Get a clear view of your business with one interactive, concise, live dashboard that is stored in the cloud. We provide dashboards that can be customised to show you exactly what you need to know.

All are accessible from anywhere and from any device – simply connect to the internet, log in and you are all set.

Reach New Heights of Efficiency with Dashboard Reporting

Our services can support you in drawing conclusions and making well-informed decisions that align with your business strategy.
Real-time Data: Access all the info you require, anytime with live data.
Total Visibility into your business: You know what’s working and what’s not working.
Increased Productivity: Dashboards allow you to measure performance, allowing your team to focus on metrics that require improvement.
Big Time Savings: So how much time do you or your staff spend creating reports in Excel or other spreadsheet programs? Any reports that you create reports in Excel or other spreadsheet programs? Any report that you create more than once should go in your dashboard.